NOBC: New Board Opportunity! Submit by June 3, 2020

NOBC: New Board Opportunity! Submit by June 3, 2020

Tue May 19, 2020
Florence Health Board Opportunity

You are receiving this email because you registered your interest in serving on a board with the Nurses on Boards Coalition.  If you are interested, please submit your resume and cover letter to no later than 06/03/2020 (Note:  Please save submission information as single PDF file. 

ANCC Board Opportunity – Apply by June 10, 2020

One of the many benefits of holding an ANCC Board Certification is the opportunity to serve in a leadership position to positively impact ANCC’s certification programs and its future direction. The ANCC Commission on Board Certification (COC) serves as the governing body of the ANCC Certification Program.

An Appreciation

Fri March 20, 2020

During this difficult time, we at HealthImpact want to express our deepest gratitude to the nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals who are on the front lines in the battle against the COVID-19 virus.

In the best of times we are grateful for the extraordinary care, compassion and dedication they provide to ensure the health of our families, neighbors and communities.

A Solution to Student Nurse Clinical Rotation Cancellations: Online Clinical Replacement Simulation Program by NovEx and Dr. Patricia Benner

Mon March 16, 2020

Presented in partnership with NovEx and the California Simulation Alliance

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities and colleges to cancel student nurse clinical rotations and mandate online-only instruction.  Without completing this requisite, student nurses risk failing to graduate.  This will have a significant impact on the workforce and institutions that rely on these graduates to fill vacancies.

NOBC: New Board Opportunity! Recommend Candidates by March 12, 2020

Thu February 27, 2020

Dear NOBC partner,

We have received a new board opportunity We are requesting your recommendations to offer the best candidate(s) in support of our mission to improve the health of communities and the nation through the service of nurses on boards.