NOBC: New Board Opportunity! Recommend Candidates by March 12, 2020

Thu February 27, 2020

Dear NOBC partner,

We have received a new board opportunity We are requesting your recommendations to offer the best candidate(s) in support of our mission to improve the health of communities and the nation through the service of nurses on boards.   

Details are provided below:  

Referred by: Nancy Kaufman, Principal; Strategic Vision Group

Board Opportunity: Public Health Advocates

Review and recommend candidates by: Thursday, March 12th

Resume and cover letter to: 


Note:  Please save submission information as single PDF file.  Name the PDF ApplicationPublicHealth Advocates_lastname.firstname. 


Name of Organization: Public Health Advocates


Organization Mission:  “We bring a public health lens to today’s most pressing problems, helping communities to pass laws, reform systems, and establish norms that foster justice, equity, health.”

What type of organization is the recruiting organization? (Hospital/health system, non-profit, university/college, corporation etc) : non-profit

Level of experience desired of nurse candidate:          10+ years

Desired area of health care specialty:               Any

Are there any residency requirements?                California

Does the position require a specific political affiliation? No

Does the position have membership requirements for the nurse candidate?  No

When would the appointment begin?                 06/01/2020

Number and location of meetings annually:  4 – 2 in person in CA, 2 by phone

Is there an expected financial contribution from board members? If so, amount? Yes, $3,000 (give or get)

Do board members receive any remuneration for service? i.e. compensation or coverage of expenses?                No

Nomination deadline for this position?                03/12/2020

What is the approval / vetting process? Selected by current board members

Are there other selection criteria to be aware of? Latinx preferred


Thank you for sharing your perspective so that we can recommend the very best candidates.

Sarah Kruger, DNP, R.N. | Consultant

Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC)



p: 608.239.8797

Please visit our website to support our mission to improve the health of communities nationwide through the service of nurses on boards and other bodies!