Sat July 30, 2022
Since 2010, HealthImpact has conducted a survey of newly licensed registered nurses (RNs) focused on employment and entry into the workforce. Additional survey questions were added in the fall of 2019 to understand the social determinants of health and education both when they were nursing students and as they entered the workplace.
Mon August 5, 2019
Based on findings from a survey and focus groups of educators, nurses, and employers, this report offers educational institutions evidenced-based recommendations to prepare RNs for the primary care of the future, with a particular focus on addressing the social determinants of health and caring for patients as part of interprofessional teams.
Tue December 11, 2018
Some regions of California face nursing shortages, according to new projections of supply and demand through 2035 by Healthforce Center at UCSF. The forecasts, which account for population growth, population aging, and anticipated changes in the numbers of new registered nurse (RN) graduates, are the first regional projections completed since 2007.
Tue May 5, 2015
The YouTube video of the webinar can now be accessed here: