The California Simulation Alliance promotes simulation in health care to improve patient safety. We are a statewide network that serves as an information clearinghouse and umbrella for seven regional collaboratives that provide simulation education and research. We offer courses (which are preparatory for the Certification as Healthcare Simulation Educator [CHSE] exam), promote research on simulation, and are a resource for health care interprofessional faculty. The CSA also helps hospitals use simulation in their patient safety programs to help them reach national patient safety goals.
As nurses step up to new roles in team-based care, simulation is more important than ever to keep RNs and other health care professionals current in a range of skills.
“It’s great to be an active subscriber to one of the largest simulation collaboratives in the country, with access to the latest news on what’s happening in clinical simulation across the state,” says Dr. Marie Gilbert, CSU Fresno and CSA faculty. “Nurse educators in hospitals and schools can stay up-to-date through the list-serve, newsletter and participation in quarterly conference calls.”
Our goals include:
- Sharing information
- Identifying and spreading best practices
- Faculty development
- Creating, enhancing, and sustaining simulation centers
- Developing evidence-based simulation scenarios
- Promoting joint research on simulation among organizations
- Creating a common language for simulation
For more information and to find out how you can subscribe to the CSA’s services and/or join our mailing list, visit our website:
Contact Program Director KT Waxman, DNP, MBA, RN, CNL, CENP, CHSE, FAONL, FAAN, FSSH at