The San Diego Simulation Collaborative (SDSC) met three times in 2010 to understand the scope of simulation activities and resources in the San Diego region. Meetings were hosted by Scripps Mercy Hospital, the University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science, and Naval Medical Center San Diego. Attendees have been representatives from both service and academia including medical and nursing schools. A list-serve of over 60 members, including their employer and contact information, was distributed to all those interested in future collaborative events. Simulation training opportunities for Southern California (made possible due to a generous grant from the Southern California Kaiser Permanente Community Benefits Program) was distributed at the last meeting. Some of the training opportunities are offered at California State University, San Marcos. The first operational meeting was hosted by CSU San Marcos in November 2010 to begin groundwork in identifying simulation needs. A survey is being developed to send to all members to determine specific needs and goals of our group.
Deb Bennett MN RN Nursing Simulation Coordinator, California State University, San Marcos
Andrea-Jean Murphy, RN-BC, BSN, MHPE, CHES Nurse Educator, Staff Development
CDR Ramona Domen, CRNA Deputy Director, Simulation Center
Karen Macauley, DNP, FNP-BC Clinical Associate Professor
Director, Simulation and Standardized Patient Nursing Laboratory