Sun March 18, 2012
Interest has grown in RN residency and transition to practice programs as a means of preparing nurses for practice. This report provides valuable insight regarding the composition, outcomes and strategies for implementing a successful residency program. Kaiser Permanente National Patient Care Services provided a grant to CINHC to assess the value of nurse residencies and transition to practice programs in California.
Tue January 24, 2012
The 2010 California Report Card of RN jobs per capita compares the RN workforce in different areas of California, as well as comparing California with other states. Press Release
Tue January 3, 2012
Although California’s RN job ratio per capita increased by 22 RN jobs in the six years between 2004 and 2010, California earned a “D” grade and its ranking relative to the rest of the county has not changed. The 2010 California Report Card of RN jobs per capita compares the RN workforce in different areas of California, as well as comparing California with other states.
Wed December 21, 2011
California was selected as one of five states to pilot the launch of the Campaign for the Future of Nursing and has now been joined by all but one state. The Campaign is charged with implementing the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) / Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, which was released October 2010.
Sun July 3, 2011
The 2010 report highlights accomplishments and a financial sustainability plan.