Tue September 18, 2018
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is seeking nominations for new members to serve on its Health Workforce National Advisory Committees. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requesting nominations for members to serve on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, Office of Science, Center for Tobacco Products.
Tue September 11, 2018
The summit will run from 8am-3:30pm this Saturday, September 15th, at St. Agnes Medical Center in Fresno, CA. Fees to attend: $60 ($30 for students). Read more:
Flyer_MinorityNurseConference_REVISED 5 2018
Mon April 30, 2018
On May 1, 2018 recruitment began for a successor to retiring CEO Judith G. Berg. Read the position profile here:
HealthImpact CEO Position Profile_2018_Final_30 APR 2018
Interested parties may submit a CV and/or resume to the attention of Laura Ford at laura@healthimpact.org
Tue March 6, 2018
NOBC Board Opportunity – TripsforKids
Tue January 30, 2018
A wide range of health professionals are encouraged to apply: physicians, pharmacists, dentists, anesthesiologists, nurses, policy experts, researchers, and others. Nominations must include a resume, letter of recommendation, photo and a personal statement of 500 words or less on why the nominee is deserving of recognition.
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