Mon August 5, 2019
Based on findings from a survey and focus groups of educators, nurses, and employers, this report offers educational institutions evidenced-based recommendations to prepare RNs for the primary care of the future, with a particular focus on addressing the social determinants of health and caring for patients as part of interprofessional teams.
Tue September 22, 2015
RN Transition Programs provide clear guidelines for preparing nurses to work in settings in which they will be needed. The programs are designed to increase newly graduated RNs’ confidence and competence, thus increasing their employability. They differ from traditional new graduate bridging programs in that they are offered through a school of nursing, which partners with one or more practice settings to provide clinical experiences.
Tue February 3, 2015
For more information: New Grad Survey Report
Wed April 16, 2014
Statewide and national interest continues to grow related to RN residencies. The April 2014 issue of Nurse Educator features an article on competence gaps among new nurse graduates and how RN Transition Programs and residencies can serve as valuable bridges. We are pleased to have this article in print, authored by CINHC’s Program Director, Nikki West, and RN Transition Program leads in California.
Fri May 25, 2012
CINHC released its Evaluation Report of four San Francisco Bay Area pilot New Graduate Nurse Transition to Practice Programs, showing that the programs are making a difference in the confidence and competence of new nurse graduates and increasing their employment opportunities.