Tips & Tricks to Make Distance Learning Easier

Wed September 16, 2020
2 courses on Online Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education are on our website. Also check out our first webinar series, “The Radical Transformation of Nursing Education,” featuring 3 courses focused on the key universal professional apprenticeships: cognitive, practice, and everyday ethical comportment. Details below.


Presented on September 30, 2020

This webinar is based on the exciting research found in “How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories behind Effective College Teaching,” by Dr. Joshua R. Eyler.

This webinar featured speakers Joshua Eyler, PhD and Paula Gubrud-Howe, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN. Grounded in learning sciences, Dr. Eyler’s framing focuses on the five essentials of curiosity, sociality, emotion, authenticity, and failure. Dr. Gubrud-Howe has five years of experience in a very successful RN to BSN online program from Oregon Health Sciences University School of Nursing. In a panel discussion led by Drs. Patricia Benner and Garrett Chan, the speakers discuss how to put the theory to practical use.

Webinar package includes:

  • Webinar recording
  • PDF version of the slide presentation
  • Resources and references provided by each speaker
  • 1 CEU (upon request)
Available here for $40.


Presented on October 21, 2020

This webinar course featured speakers Professors Holly Fiock and Glenise McKenzie, PhD, RN.  Ms. Fiock has developed the Community of Inquiry model of online learning, based on the works of earlier educators, and focused on developing social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence.  Dr. McKenzie has been utilizing the model for over 5 years in her online courses at Oregon Health Sciences University School of Nursing, and has designed and delivered both classroom instruction and virtual clinical simulation.

Webinar package includes:

  • Webinar recording
  • PDF version of the slide presentation
  • Resources and references provided by each speaker
  • 1 CEU (upon request)
Available here for $40.


This series commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s national study: Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation. Three webinars, led by Dr. Patricia Benner and moderated by Dr. Garrett Chan, focus on the key universal professional apprenticeships: cognitive, practice, and everyday ethical comportment.

The Formation and Everyday Ethical Comportment Apprenticeship

A discussion on developing the character and agency and everyday ethical comportment required for good nursing practice. (Presented June 24, 2020)

Sarah Shannon, PhD, RN, FAAN, Marsha Fowler, PhD, MDiv, MS, RN, FAAN, FRSA, Patricia Benner, PhD, RN, FAAN

The Cognitive Apprenticeship

Anti-racism and interprofessional education; creating culturally responsive learning environments. (Presented July 15, 2020)

Kenya Beard, EdD, RN, FAAN, Meg Zomorodi, PhD, RN, FAAN, Patricia Benner, PhD, RN, FAAN

The Practice Apprenticeship

Rethinking skills acquisition in clinical reasoning, caring practices, and skilled know-how. (Presented August 5, 2020)

Lisa Day, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, Carol F. Durham, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Patricia Benner, PhD, RN, FAAN

Package and details available here for $120.


Questions?  Contact Laura Ford at

The Benner Institute is a collaboration between HealthImpact and Dr. Patricia Benner.  Dr. Benner is an internationally renowned nursing educator, researcher, author and co-author of more than 12 books, whose influence extends beyond nursing and into the areas of clinical practice and clinical ethics.


Patricia Benner, RN, PhD, FAAN
Professor Emerita
University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing

Susan McNiesh is a Professor Emerita from the Valley Foundation School of Nursing at San Jose State University. She has authored and co-authored numerous publications, many with a focus on the teaching and learning of nursing practice.


Susan McNiesh, PhD, MS, RNC-OB
Program Director
Benner Institute for Teaching and Learning